in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Hi, I'm using STM32F429 discovery board with native screen size 240x320. So it's standart vertical orientation. I want to make an application in a horizontal orientation so the screen size should be like 320x240. What parametres should i change?

P.S. I'm using 8.00 Eval Studio version if that matters.

1 Answer

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the provided 'ScreenOrientation' sample demonstrates the possibility to create a UI application for 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° screen rotation.

If you want to use the provided Template project (as written in the document Getting Started with STM32F429 Discovery), then you should make the following steps:

  • Create a new project for STM32F429
  • Select the Profile brick
  • Change the attribute 'ScreenSize' to <320,240>
  • Change the attribute 'ScreenOrientation' to 'Rotated_90' or 'Rotated_270'
  • Set the attribute 'OutputDirectory' to \Examples\Template\GeneratedCode
  • Implement your GUI application and generate the code
  • Open the makefile of the Template project within a text editor and set the flag 'ROTATION' to 90 or 270
  • Rebuild the entire project.
  • Enjoy :-)

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