in Platform Packages by

Hello everybody, im running some code on top of the Patient Manager example and generating code on my windows. After generating the code I send it to my raspberry (which is connected to an HDMI touch display 7", not raspberry), make command on the rapi build env I downloaded runs correctly but when I try to execute as ./RaPi-4B I get the following read:


edit: debugging, I see this function throwing the sig fault:


There's not a lot I added, but I did add a set of bitmaps from files contained in ./Res that I'm tracing, but other than that idk what might be happening. I'm running this command from SSH from my PC, and nothing happens on the raspberry from what I see in the screen.

1 Answer

0 votes

does the original PatientMonitor demo run stable on your target?

I assume yes, then the question is: What means "im running some code on top of the Patient Manager example"?

Best regards,


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