in Platform Packages by
I am trying to troubleshoot an intermittent bug which shows the UI screen display an old frame permanently in the background while the application is still running. Application is still operating but the display seems corrupted with the old frame) merged with the actual display. I've tried reproducing the issue locally without sucess, even if I launch the application twice the screen doesn't blend as per the fault reported. Do you have any recommendations of what I can check? Is it possible a graphics related problem or must be in the Chora code?

1 Answer

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difficult to say... maybe you can provide an image that shows the issue.

Maybe, this could happen if the new screen content contains a transparent background so that there is undefined content after the composition of the new screen.

Can you check the macro EW_PERFORM_FULL_SCREEN_UPDATE in your ewconfig.h? Does the behavior change when you set this to 1?

Does the issue happens also on the reference hardware with the official touch display?

Best regards,


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