in Embedded Wizard Studio by

We use Embedded Wizard Studio 12(Pro Edition, Version 12.05), and develop the multi-language, but I found EW-12 does not support the French letter 'Œ', how can I resolve this issue? Thank you!

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of course, Embedded Wizard supports the French letter 'Œ'. However, according to the error message it seems that your font resource does not contain the glyph for printing the 'Œ'. Either your font resource is not configured to provide this glyph (-> please check the attribute Ranges of your font resource) or the TrueType Font that you are using does not contain the requested glyph (-> please check the font). You can try another TrueType Font.

I hope this helps. See also Localize a font resource.

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

    Thanks for your quick response!

    Based on your advice, I can display 'Œ' normally now. However, I used the same method for the German letter 'ẞ', and it didn't work. I don't know why, how can I resolve it?

    Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

Best Regards,



The letter's info is as below:




please note, that usually there is no capital letter sharp s needed for German language - the 'ß' (Eszett) character exists only (or is used only) as lowercase letter.

Anyhow, you can include this special glyph by using the character code 0x1E9E. You can add this to the Ranges attribute. As soon as your string contains this character code, it will be displayed - like any other glyph.

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,



Hi Manfred,

    I added the 0x1E9E in the Ranges attribute, but it still displays as below:





Hi Bayes,

it seems that your font does not contain the glyph for 0x1E9E. i just tried it with Arial:

The font resource:

A text view with the following content:

And the result:

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

     Thank you for your help!

     The root cause is our font does not support the German letter 'ß' (Eszett).


Best Regards,


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