in Embedded Wizard Studio by


When I want to dynamically adjust the display content of AttrText which is embedded true in Outline, I will encounter a situation where the actual content exceeds the preset bounds. Then when I adjust the bounds, debug will pop up these messages. How to solve it? (V12.05 pro edition)

where method:CheckTerminalStatus() called is in the UpdateViewState().

1 Answer

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according to the call history, the error message is provoked by recursive postsignal when changing Embedded property (see Callstack backtrace level #2 and the corresponding line 300 in the method CheckTerminalStatus).

When modifying the Embedded property of a view, the state of the superior component containing this view is invalidated. This component thereupon invokes its own UpdateViewState(). In your implementation, UpdateViewState() contains the invocation of CheckTerminalStatus(). CheckTerminalStatus() finally changes Embedded property. Changing this property again invalidates the state of the superior component. Endless situation ... To avoid that GUI get stuck in such endless situation. The second intent to post a signal is ignored and the messages are displayed in the Log window.

How to prevent the error message? Difficult to answer without knowing your intention. In the simplest case avoiding the invocation of CheckTerminalStatus() in context of UpdateViewState() could be helpful. Is CheckTerminalStatus() intended to be invoked at the initialization time of the component, then move its invocation in the Init() method. Is the method intended to be invoked periodically, use a timer to trigger the invocation. Is the method intended to be invoked in response to an event, invoke the method when the event is handled, e.g. in a slot method associated to a button, etc.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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