in Platform Packages by

We have been trying to re-generate an existing EW project with WebGL PP. But, in our generated html page, we only see the text and no graphics/images.

We see the error

"EmWi error: SecurityError: Failed to execute 'texSubImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': The image element contains cross-origin data, and may not be loaded.!"

in the browser console messages.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Shivam,

I assume that you have started the browser and opened the application directly from your local hard drive. Correct? If this is the case, then the browser's security rules that prevent the loading of local bitmaps and/or JS files are taking effect. The easiest way is to pack the generated sources into a web server environment and then open the application via HTTP(S). I like to use Python directly for this: 'python -m http.server -d <PATH-TO-GENERATED-SOURCES>' and then open the application via http://localhost:8000/EmWiApp.html

Hope this helps,
best regards,
I installed latest python v3.13.

I tired

python -m http.server -d C:\GIT\GenCode


python -m http.server -d "C:\GIT\GenCode"

I get syntax errors, whats missing ?
Which kind of syntax errors do you receive?
Thank you. it works now.

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