Hi Maharaja,
Embedded Wizard's requirements are very minimal:
- Running on a 32Bit system
- Access to system ticks in order to calculate animations, effects, transitions, etc.
- Access to memory to manage the project specific GUI objects during runtime, whereas Embedded Wizard's core stack needs ~32KByte.
- Access to the framebuffer (not bound to a particular display interface)
From the LCD's perspective, Embedded Wizard supports all common interfaces like direct RGB/LCD, MIPI-DSI, Intel 8080, SPI, etc. with a big variety of different color formats, from monochrome to RGB888
And yes, we also support e-Ink Displays:

This shown Embedded Wizard GUI runs on an STM32L476 with the SRAM of 128Kbytes only. The e-Ink display is attached to the MCU via SPI. To support those monochrome displays we are offering a dedicated greyscale Platform Package, called LumA44 (which supports 16Bit greyscale).
Please let me know if you need any further information or have any further questions.
Best regards,