in GUI Development by

I have a hardware specific questions.

Consider, I want to design a product(for example, a simple wall clock to show time and date)

what is the minimal controller resource required to make use of Embedded Wizard? (I can also put up the question like, If I am the "embedded wizard" - "I want atleast following things for me, so that I can run properly")

Ans: ??


What is the minimal LCD requirement ?

Ans: ??


Does EmWiz support E-ink display ?

Ans: ??



1 Answer

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Hi Maharaja,

Embedded Wizard's requirements are very minimal:

  • Running on a 32Bit system
  • Access to system ticks in order to calculate animations, effects, transitions, etc.
  • Access to memory to manage the project specific GUI objects during runtime, whereas Embedded Wizard's core stack needs ~32KByte.
  • Access to the framebuffer (not bound to a particular display interface)

From the LCD's perspective, Embedded Wizard supports all common interfaces like direct RGB/LCD, MIPI-DSI, Intel 8080, SPI, etc. with a big variety of different color formats, from monochrome to RGB888

And yes, we also support e-Ink Displays:


This shown Embedded Wizard GUI runs on an STM32L476 with the SRAM of 128Kbytes only. The e-Ink display is attached to the MCU via SPI. To support those monochrome displays we are offering a dedicated greyscale Platform Package, called LumA44 (which supports 16Bit greyscale).

Please let me know if you need any further information or have any further questions.

Best regards,

One of our product has the combination for 8 segment display and pixel display ?

Is there any way to deal with them ? Does EmWiz has support for them ?

Does dynamic memory allocation unit is mandatory to run EmWiz core to run ?

Hi Maharaja,

You can of course integrate any other peripheral like an 8 segment display. This would be realized using a DeviceDriver implementation for that particular display driver. You can then simply provide a char property and update the 8 segment display everytime the property is set

Moreover, dynamic memory allocation is a requirement. However, you can use your preferred memory manager (3rd party like TLSF or provided by an RTOS). You are not obliged to use the system's default malloc to allocate memory on the heap.

Best regards,

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