in Getting started by


I am evaluating embedded wizard on STM32H750 Discovery board. I follow the guideline on "Getting started with STM MCUs: STM32H750 Discovery" .

I can build "Hello world" example and download the program into the Discovery board without any issues by using GCC ARM embedded toolchain. it works perfectly. 

I try follow the guild and switch to STM32CubeIDE, I can generate the code and import to STM32CubeIDE. I can download the the program to the Discovery board but the program won't start until i pressed the restart button. In addition, the Hello world example will go to hard fault once I enter debug mode. How can i use debug in STM32 CubeIDE.

Please find see the debug trace as below: 

hard fault


Thanks in advance.




1 Answer

0 votes
Hi All,

I found temporary fix. If you find the same problem, Just press the reset button on the discovery board. The debug mode will function correctly.


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