in System Integration by

We are trying to port an existing EW project targeted for our STM32 based Display controller to WebGL so we can see the GUI on a webpage.

Wondering if there are any examples on how to interface the device data (implemented in C/C++) with EW/WebGL platform.

1 Answer

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Wondering if there are any examples on how to interface the device data (implemented in C/C++) with EW/WebGL platform.

Being intended fo Web applications, WebGL platform uses JavaScript as native language. There is no direct C/C++ integration foreseen. In practice that means that wherever you have added C/C++ native code in your GUI project to communicate with the device, you will need to implement corresponding JavaScript code. Because of the client-server nature of Web applications, this code will usually limit to communicate with a server process running for example on your device. The server process could execute C/C++ code when requests are received from the client (the GUI application running in a Web Browser). The implementation of the communication is a detail of Web programming and less of Embedded Wizard.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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