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I want to configure the Thumb same as like in VerticalScrollBar to VerticalSlider. Like in VerticalScrollBar I want the thumb should shrink or expand in VerticalSlider based on the no of items in the vertical list.

Thanks & Regards
Dinesh Thirumaran

1 Answer

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Hello Dinesh Thirumaran,

to achieve such appearance, you configure only the slider's tracks (also known as the 'below' and the 'above' track). The thumb itself is not useful in this case and you don't need to configure it - except eventual margins to limit the movement range. The following screenshots demonstrate the properties of a Vertical Slider Configuration object. These are valid in version 13 or newer:


So configured slider appears then as shown in the screenshot below. It looks like a scrollbar. When interacting with the slider, the size of the 'below' (dark grey) track changes. The 'above' track is configured to have fixed size. It appears like border around the widget:

I hope it helps you further. For details concerning the configuration properties please see the chapter Customize your own Vertical Slider.

Best regards

Paul Banach



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