in Embedded Wizard Studio by

My EW version is 11.0,At the new project have multi language need show.

Follow the example project, we use the excel tool to generate different language text string,the excel tool like this:

string generate excel tool
But when i show the french string,the french string show have a bug. For the example:

The english string "Rear canopy shade",if translate to french string need show "Pare-soleil arrière"

But after use the Excel Tool generate the French string,at EW project string file we find it's generate this string "Pare-soleil arri?re"

I think the string generate excel tool may have some bug in it. Can you help me check it,and resolve this bug?

In addiction,in my project we need show 30 language. Do you have any good suggestions and points to pay attention to?

1 Answer

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first of all, please follow this article.

In order to show accent characters, please make sure that the font range contains all character codes that are necessary for a certain language and please make sure that the True Type font that you are using contains all the required glyphs.

Best regards,



Hello Manfred:

Thanks for your answer. 

I have read the webpage this article. And do some test at the StringTable StringTable example project.

Unfortunately, i lost the original version of the StringTable StringTable example project. When i use the excel tool to generate/update the String.ewu and FontRange.text file.

when i open the  StringTable StringTable example project. At the String file we can find that:


When simulate to show Spanish like that:


To test EW run environment,I add a text component beside the show error text component,these text use the same font(Segoe UI). 

It show like this:

I have check the font (Segoe UI) in my PC windows environment:my windows install the font (Segoe UI)

For this test we can make sure that:the excel tool generate a error string.


At my project, I do the same test like the Upper Comment  StringTable StringTable example project.

it's show like that:

The below text use the string that generate by the excel tool. It's same with the EW String component.


Additionally,i see about UTF8 character rule and change the excel tool font range value :

Then generate the String.ewu and FontRange.text file. But the result don't change.





Please try to use the original StringTable example and test it with that version. You will find it in the set of examples installed with Embedded Wizard Studio.
Please give me the StringTable example project download link, I can't find any example project that installed with Embedded Wizard Studio.

It is installed with Embedded Wizard Studio - see here for V11: Open Example.


change string generate excel tool like the below picture,can generate the right string for EW version 11.0

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