in Embedded Wizard Studio by

My EW version is 11.0, My PC use windows system and install a Font(HFMoBest-Thai-M)to show the Thai string.

The String is:โปรดออกจากโหมดเด็กบนหน้าจอกลางควบคุมรถยนต์

At EW project the Thai string show like this:

My customer give me a example UI like this:

The Thai string show at Excel like this :

We can find that the Thai string show on excel is same as My customer's example UI,but on EW project the string Phonetic characters show have problem.

Like the first picture red block,the distance between the Phonetic characters and the below charact is too long.

Do you have some idea to solve this problem?Or have some idea about the root cause?   


1 Answer

0 votes

Hello ke007,

please see the section Language Management and Localization. Thai requires so-called complex text layout. Support for complex text layout is available with external, third party shaping engines (e.g. Monotype Spark) only. Without the shaping engine Thai text will appear incorrectly.

See also: Integration with external shaping engines to support for Thai and Devanagari.

Best regards

Paul Banach


I  have read the link webpage carefully, and i have 2 question about external shaping engines:

1、The external shaping engines can use On EW version 11.0 or not?

2、If the external shaping engines only use in EW version 13+,How to use it?we need install some plug-in tools?

I try to show Thai string in EW 13 project,and find the same problem on EW 13 project

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