in System Integration by
Hi, EW team:

    I have just ported PXP platform package RGB888 of RT1172 of EW13. There is a color mapping problem now. For example, I defined a rectangle of color #FF0000FF, which is purely red. But when run on board, the colored value is mapped to the blue channel in framebuffer. say pixel[2] = oxFF.

   I tried  to change the definition of macros such as EW_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_RED, EW_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_GREEN and  EW_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_BLUE, which had helped me on this problem in EW11, But it does not work this time.

  Please help me see how to remap the color output in a software way.


Thank you.


Best regards.


1 Answer

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Hi Stephen,

if you have a working solution with EW11, it should be identical work with EW13 or EW14.

Maybe you have changed the color order within the LCD controller (LCDiF) - can you have a look on that?

Best regards,

Hi, Manfred:
     The bus width of LCD controller is 8 rather than 24. So viewed by LCDif, a pixel is 1 byte rather than individual 3 bytes of RGB. I see there is a color remapping function in ewextbmp_RGB888.c. It seems just works for bmp.

Best regards.
Hi Stephen,

really difficult to say what is going wrong without having the hardware on the table.

You mentioned, that it works with V11. Can you make a diff between your software and the delivered V11 software package - then you see the modifications and can do that into V13. The handling of color order has not changed.

Anyhow, there should be no changes necessary within the source code (C files) of Graphics Engine and Runtime Environment. Only the files within /TargetSpecific.

Best regards,


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