in GUI Development by
Hello, is there a way to get a build  progresssive serial or something to keep track and print in a string in the GUI autmoatically? So this parameter gets readable from the display.


1 Answer

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how do you generate the serial number? If it somehow stored in the flash, you can access the address from some native code and then display it in a regular text view.

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,

Hi Mafred, my idea is to get this value from Embedded Wizard.

So every time i compile the code this incremental value adds up, so when i flash the lizardboard, in the gui i can confront if the flashed application is a different version fron the one developed on EW, and correct eventually bugs or log the modifications.

Is there a way to accomplish something like this? thanks.

Hi Riccardo,

maybe you can use the PostProcess to launch a script that increments a certain constant in your C code. The PostProcess is started after the code generation is competed.

Best regards,


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