What do you mean with 'much bigger'. Could you post a screenshot of the correct and error cases?
I assume, in your project exists a style to controller the night variant selection. Do you switch the style dynamically at the runtime?
Switching on/off a style has no effect on already existing instances. This means, when you create a list item and then some styles are switched, the already existing item instance remains unaffected by this alternation. The styles alternation affects only new instances created subsequently after the styles have been changed. May be this is the problem?
Try following: In the toolbar activate the style 'night'. Then start the Prototyper. Does the list appear correctly? If yes, your variant is o.k. and the problem roots in the above described peculiarity of instances not being updated if the instances have been created before the styles is switched on/off. In such case you need to create a new instance of the actually visible GUI component and replace the actual component with it. The new instance and all embedded objects is created then with the new style enabled/disabled.
Best regards
Paul Banach