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What features are provided by Embedded Wizard in order to create a multi-lingual user interface application?

1 Answer

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One of the most beneficial features of Embedded Wizard is the multilingual UI support. Therefore this article summarizes important things and features to facilitate the development of multilingual UIs.

First of all we strongly recommend to use our template Excel sheet 'Strings.xls' for string import from the beginning of your projects. This template is available as an example together with a description on this support platform. By using this Excel sheet you can generate the string constants for all available languages in your project. It can be edited from any staff or external translation offices without an Embedded Wizard license and even without any programming skills. When you get back the document, you just press the generate-button to generate the Embedded Wizard string constants and import it to your project.

Using the Excel sheet template offers additionally the possibility to analyze the content for the used character codes. The output is a font range definition in Chora code that can be used in your project to limit the font resources and reduce the code size by this. Just selected the generated font range definition file within the attribute 'Ranges' of your font resource.

With so called 'Language bricks' from the Gallery you can drag and drop identifiers for the supported languages in your Embedded Wizard project. These languages can be assigned to the global variable 'language' in the Chora code. As a result, Embedded Wizard will automatically take care, that the corresponding language variant of a string constant will be used in the UI display.

Even if the most common language dependency is for strings in different languages, Embedded Wizard offers language variant values also for resources (images and fonts) and all other types of constants (color, int32, point, etc.)!

Note: If a menu should change its appearance immediately when the language get changed, you need to set the attribute 'MultiLingual' of the involved menu class(es) to 'true'. This causes Embedded Wizard to generate additional code for an immediate re-initialization, without the need to re-initialize your UI components manually. In order to save code memory, you should set the 'MultiLingual' attribute only in menu classes that are visible during the language change.

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