in Platform Packages by
during compilation ewfiles.gpdsc file is missing.

In documentation of Embedded Wizard

"After the Embedded Wizard code generation the installed post process will generate a ewfiles.gpdsc file, that controls the Keil MDK-ARM project import."

and I have checked in Project.uvprojx file in Text Mode. Its looking fine.

      <gpdsc name="G:\STM32F746-Discovery\Template\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc">
          <targetInfo name="STM32746G-DISCOVERY"/>
      <gpdsc name="..\..\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc">
          <targetInfo name="STM32746G-DISCOVERY"/>

1 Answer

0 votes


Just a short question: Did you add the post command into the profile as mentioned here?

"Select the profile and set MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd as post process at the Inspector view."

Please generate your sources (i.e. build your profile) from the Embedded Wizard Studio again, in order to invoke the post process command accordingly. Then the gpdsc file will be generated and can be used within Keil MDK. Does that help?

Best regards,

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