in Embedded Wizard Studio by

i want to add the secound switch/encoder to the STM32F469 Discovery Board DeviceIntegration example but after including all in embedded wizard and uvision, it do not work.

I want to use an indicator for showing that a switch has been activated. The programm on the evaluations board works find but there is no change on the display. I think a setting is missing in the embedded wizard in the keyhandler or slot.

I add an dropbox link for my project in embedde wizard: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lrt8ke5p4qvbla7/DeviceIntegration.rar?dl=0

I would be glad for an answer.


Best Regards,


1 Answer

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Best answer


After a quick review I think that you just need to implement your onHardButtonEvent_ENC_AEvent Slot method:

/* set the indicator to active */
Indicator1.Active = true;

/* start the bool effect to switch off the indicator after a short time */
BoolEffect1.Enabled = false;
BoolEffect1.Enabled = true;

Hope this helps...

Best regards,

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