in Embedded Wizard Studio by


As you know, the "Views::Image" has the bitmap property.

When the enter key is pressed, the scroll list appears.

That scroll list supplies the thumbnail of image and the relative file path.

If possible, how about displaying the size of image?

Usually, I made a UI with the design guide and some png files.

In most case, the Views::Image size is the same as the size of the png files.

So, If the size is displayed in Studio, the efficiency of work may be improved.


Another suggestion is that the background of thumbnail  of  the alpha only image is black.

In the scroll list of bitmap of Views::Image, the background color is white.

So, the thumbnail of the alpha only image is a white rectangle.


Thank you very much.

Best regards.


1 Answer

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Hi Jinho,

thank you very much for your suggestions. We will adapt the Assistant window to display the size of the bitmaps. Regarding your other suggestion with alpha-only bitmaps, are you working with the newest EmWi version 8.20? I ask you because we have adapted the Assistant window in 8.20 to display alpha-only bitmaps with gray colors, so your described problem should be solved now. Please see the section Bug-fixes in our Release Notes 8.20.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul.


You are right. The color problem of alpha only bitmap is from my mistake.

I was confused with the normal icon (not alpha only bitmap..)


Thank you very much.

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