in GUI Development by

I have a set of constant data, consider font info like below in list of dictionaries(as in python).

fontInfo = [

                        {"fontFamily":"fontName1", "size":12, "bold":False, "Italic":False},

                        {"fontFamily":"fontName2", "size":16, "bold":False, "Italic":False},

                        {"fontFamily":"fontName3", "size":22, "bold":False, "Italic":False},

                        {"fontFamily":"fontName4", "size":28, "bold":False, "Italic":False},

                        {"fontFamily":"fontName5", "size":22, "bold":True, "Italic":False},

                        {"fontFamily":"fontName6", "size":28, "bold":True, "Italic":False},


1) I will pick these information, during runtime.

2) I will also pick these information with different variants(different profile).

Please suggest what is the best way (with an example).



1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Maha,

dictionaries are not supported in Embedded Wizard. The functionality of Embedded Wizard is limited to simple arrays. It's thus up to you manage the data. You can create a non visual component to store a single data record and manage instances of this component in an array. Or you avoid using the array and manage the instances in a chain. On the other hand, our customer tend to use their own data base solutions to maintain data outside the GUI. In this case the GUI accesses the data via an well defined interface.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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