in Getting started by


I start to learn Embedded wizard and flow the the steps.

I download the last version including GCC tool, STM32_F7_CUB and Embedded wizard studio ver8.2.

when compling it, it occurs the error.

My step is :

1. create a stm32f746-discovery ewp project.

2. generate the code to ..\STM32F746-Discovery\Examples\Template\GeneratedCode

3. run StartBuildEnvironment.bat

4.write "cd Template", "make install"

then it was wrong warning.

How to fix it?



I add the error bitmap.

please see it.

another question is how can we flash to our board?

1 Answer

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Best answer

It seems that there is a mixture between the version of Embedded Wizard Studio and the Platform Package that you are using.

This happens for example, if you generate code with Embedded Wizard Studio V8.20 and try to compile it with a Graphics Engine and a RunTime Environment from an older version, e.g. V8.10.

As a customer, you can download Embedded Wizard Studio and the STM32 Platform Package from our Download Center. The latest version is at the moment V8.20.

Best regards,



I have updated the Embedded wizard studio and STM32 platform Package. So I confused why it occured this problem.

please see my picture.



yes this is fine - otherwise you cannot generate the code.

Please have a look into the file ewgfx.h and ewrte.h that you are using to compile your application. There you will find the following define:

/* The current version of the Graphics Engine. */
#define EW_GFX_VERSION 0x00080014


/* The current version of the Runtime Environment. */
#define EW_RTE_VERSION 0x00080014

If the version is not 0x00080014 - then you are not using the Graphics Engine and the Runtime Environment that is suitable for Embedded Wizard V8.20.

It seems that you are using an older version of the STM32F746 Build Environment.



in our generateCode file , I don't find the ewgfx.h.

I don't know where to check it?



The Graphics Engine and the Runtime Environment are not part of the generated code.

Did you download the Build Environment for STM32F746 Discovery board? Maybe you are using an older version.

Within the Build Environment for STM32F746 Discovery you will find the subdirectory /PlatformPackage containing the mentioned files.

Please follow exactly all steps as described in the getting started article.


can you provide a link let me download lasted STM32F746 DISCOVEY board?

Please have a look at our download center (as a customer you have received your account with a separate email) - there you will find the STM32F746 Discovery Build Environment.

Best regards,

thanks, it works.

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