in GUI Development by
Regarding https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-stm32f746-discovery?v=8.20#Console%20output debug messages of the C code should be displayed in the console output. However, the output of a printf() does not.

1 Answer

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yes, the C library function printf() is not connected to a serial connection.

Therefore we added the "universal string handler for user console interface" (xprintf) within the different STM32Fx Build Environments (xprintf.c in subdirectory /Misc).

You can use the xprintf() function to print debug messages via the serial connection - or you can use the EwPrint() function (which uses the same functionality). For example, within the main.c file you can see several debug messages during the startup by using EwPrint().

Best regards,

Manfred Schweyer.

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