in GUI Development by


I am designing a UI and I was wondering how can I make  use cases which will be provided input to the UI application to which it responds and I am then make aware of the outputs ae correct or not?


Much Appreciated.


2 Answers

0 votes


I'm not sure, whether I understand what you mean with outputs are correct. Is you plan to exchange data between the UI application and the device? If this is the case please see the following documentation:

Integrating with the device

Device Class and Device Driver

Best regards

Paul Banach

0 votes
If you want to define our own stimulation for certain parts of the GUI it seams you are searching for a test environment.
Please take a look on our Test Framework offer on https://www.embedded-wizard.de/embedded-wizard-services.html.

The Test Framework will allow you to implement a stimulation of your UI application based on simulated user interaction or on modifying the input data (eg. via Device interface).
To verify the output of the GUI, the Test Framework supports textual status reports as well as screenshot and screen compare functionality.

I hope this helps,

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