I turned off QSPI_FLASH in the Makefile and flashed the bin file with ST-Link (in this case no hex file is created) to the device, This causes even the hello world application to crash, when starting:
Initialize Display... [OK]
Initialize Touch Driver... [OK]
Initialize Memory Manager... [OK]
MemoryPool at address 0xC00FF000 size 0x00701000
Initialize Graphics Engine... [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Root Object... [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Viewport... [OK]
System halted! [MemManage_Handler]
Regarding the external loader:
- Is there any howto or support to build one?
- X-CUBE-EXTBOOT may be such a external loader. But despite that the word "easily" is used in each second sentence, I don't assume, that it is as easy.
How can I flash using make? There is only one build target in the Makefile, which causes this error (because I use an ST-Link v2 adapter for flashing and no onboard st-link):
STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.1.0.0
STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface
No ST-LINK detected
Unable to connect to ST-LINK!
make: *** [install] Error 2