in System Integration by

Currently i'm developing a demo application on RPI2 B / raspbian jessie. After some troubles with the build (some include paths and libs had to be changed in the make file to complete the build). Now after the app is generated it lunchs in full screen and the mouse doesn't show up. There is no touch screen and the app doesn't respond to keypad events. so i have to power off my pi and reboot. any idea how to stop the app from lunching in full screen in order to be able to debug with the terminal and test it with the mouse?!!

1 Answer

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first of all, it would be good to understand why the build was not successful out of the box. It was verified with September 2017 version of Raspian Jessie Lite. I have seen there is a newer version - maybe there are some changes...

You can terminate the application when you press the key 'P' (which means to Power off the application) in your SSH client. You can see the key mapping directly within the provided main.c file.

Concerning the touch screen, please have a look to the article 'touchscreen is not working'.

Does this help?

Best regards,



Hello Manfred,

Thanks alot for your response.

The build issues were about "brcmGLESv2" & "brcmEGL" libraies were missing and solved by changing "LIBRARIES" & "INCLUDES" section in the make file from :

LIBS :=     m                                                                 \
            bcm_host                                                          \
            brcmGLESv2                                                        \
            brcmEGL                                                           \
            pthread                                                           \
            $(EMWI_RTE_LIB)                                                   \
            $(EMWI_GFX_LIB)                                                   \
INCLUDES =                                                                     \
            -I.                                                                \
            -I$(EMWI_APP_PATH)                                                 \
            -I$(EMWI_RTE_PATH)                                                 \
            -I$(EMWI_GFX_PATH)                                                 \
            -I$(SDK_PATH)/include                                              \

To :

LIBS :=     m                                                                 \
            bcm_host                                                          \
            GLESv2                                                            \
            EGL                                                               \
            pthread                                                           \
            $(EMWI_RTE_LIB)                                                   \
            $(EMWI_GFX_LIB)                                                   \

INCLUDES =                                                                     \
            -I.                                                                \
            -I$(EMWI_APP_PATH)                                                 \
            -I$(EMWI_RTE_PATH)                                                 \
            -I$(EMWI_GFX_PATH)                                                 \
            -I$(SDK_PATH)/include                                              \
            -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads                          \
            -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux                        \


I don't understand why this happened since the package is fresh; may be it is my raspbian that is outdated one but I'm not sure (I did both apt-get update and upgrade but with no luck). Anyway the build is now complete and the app starts, but the mouse disappears!! (Also the issue is with example apps)

In the documentation it is stated that using the mouse is Ok so I was counting on that. I'm not sure if I can get my 5 inch screen touch to work it is unofficial RPI screen and I'm afraid it may be broken and I tried hard many times before.

Thanks to your response now I understand that we can run the app from the SSH client and hance I can use the console for logging and debugging and terminating the app. I'm in a rush to complete a demo and I would be grateful if you can help me to use the mouse instead of touch.

Thank you and best regards,

Hi Raouf,

In fact our OpenGL port to the RasPi uses the EGL which is bound directly to the framebuffer, whereas the mouse pointer belongs to an windowing system like X11 or Wayland/Weston. So because Embedded Wizard does not rely on such windowing systems, the mouse pointer simply disappears.

I hope that I could shed some lights on this,
best regards,
Thanks alot for your response. it is clear now that i need an official touch screen.

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