in System Integration by
ew_bsp_display.c (generated by Embedded Wizard), contains a lot of code and comments which are DSI related. I'm adapting the HelloWorld Embedded Wizard project from the STM32F469I-DISCO hardware for my own board. My own board's LCD is not DSI, it is RGB. I cannot see anywhere in the project how I can change this.

Kind Regards,

Rob Shand

2 Answers

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I think I've answered my own question. ew_bsp_display.c is from ST Micro who have kindly included it in their libraries, so I will have to seek out their RGB equivalent, or write my own.

0 votes

Hi Rob,

first of all, it is important to know, that ew_bsp_display.c is not generated by Embedded Wizard. It is not part of the UI project - it is just the glue between the UI application and the underlying BSP.

Our Build Environments are prepared to work with a dedicated development platform (e.g. a STM32Fxxx Discovery board or Evalboard) - therefore we provide the adaptation and initialization for the dedicated board within the folder /TargetSpecifc. 

Feel free to adapt these ew_bsp_xxx.c files according your needs.

If you want to change from DSI to LTDC (or if you want to use your own hardware without DSI) it might be better to use a Build Environment for a development board without DSI - e.g. STM32F429 Evalboard.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


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