in GUI Development by
Dear all,

We are working on a 4.3" LCD control panel based on STM32F767 and we are using EWS8.20.

We have a very strange issue in our target. This application worked perfectly until now... I will try to explain what's happen:

We add some code rows in a c function. After compiling the program and load it on the target board, the program starts and when the EwNewObjectIndirect() function is called we had Hard Fault. The c function has been never called until the program crash.

We tried to debug and we found that the crash happens in the EwCastObject function (we can check this in the disassembly code viewer). We have the platform package files object only, so it's very difficult to understand what's happen over there.

The very strange thing is that the issue doesn' happen anymore if we comment out code rows from that function.

Could you help us please?

Looking forward your kind reply.

Best regards

Gianni Perugini

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello Gianni,

of course, we try to help you.

If I understood the situation correctly, the error happens only if the additional code is part of the project - but it is never called. Just the changed location of the other code causes the problem.

Two ideas:

1.) Can you try to switch off the compiler optimization? Does this change the effect? Btw: What compiler are you using?

2.) Please check the MPU settings - within version 8.30 of the Build Environment we changed the MPU settings according ST application note AN4861.

Please find the necessary configuration for STM32F746 within the following file ew_bsp_system.c.

Generally, it might be good to update to the latest version (8.30 at the moment)...

Best regards,



Dear Manfred,


thanks very much for your fast reply and solution.

You correctly understood my enquire. We thought to a relocation code problem too.

We are using SW4STM IDE with Ac6 STM32 MCU GCC. No optimization is used.

After the use of your code on MPU_config (based on AN4861) everything seems to work fine.


We'd like to migrate to the new version of EWS 8.30, but we are in production, so we need to know if we have to expect some problem or difficulty to solve after the migration.

Could you explain that please?

Could you send us the link to download the new version?

Looking forward your kind reply.

Many thanks.

Best regards,


Hi Gianni,

the migration from 8.20 to 8.30 should be very smooth, since the structure of the Build Environments did not change.

Please have a look to the Release Notes of Embedded Wizard to see the changes of version 8.30.

Concerning your license upgrade I will contact you.

Best regards,


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