Are you talking about your project or do you use the template project for IAR as it is provided within /Template/Project/EWARM ?
I assume that you have your own project and that there are several compiler defines missing. In this case please check the settings within the template project and use the same within your project. Or better: Just use the provided template - as this is also intended to be used for own UI projects.
Some additional hints concerning the IAR project (taken from the ReadMe.txt file for IAR projects):
- The Embedded Wizard Template project is commonly used for all provided Embedded Wizard examples. All Embedded Wizard examples will store the
generated code within the common \Template\GeneratedCode folder.
- The generated code of an Embedded Wizard example is imported automatically to the IAR Embedded Workbench project using the Project Connection mechanism.
- To establish this automatic project import a post process has to be added to the Profile settings within Embedded Wizard Studio:
* Open the desired Embedded Wizard example project.
* Select the profile and set EWARM_ew_post_process.cmd as post process at the Inspector view. You will find the file within the subdirectory \Template\Project\EWARM.
- After the Embedded Wizard code generation the installed post process will generate a ewfiles.ipcf file, that controls the import to the IAR Embedded Workbench project.
- After returning to IAR Embedded Workbench, the latest generated code and the suitable Embedded Wizard Platform Package will be imported to the IAR Embedded Workbench project (depending on the color format and the screen orientation selected in the Embedded Wizard Profile).
- If the color format or the screen orientation was changed, please do a complete rebuild of the IAR Embedded Workbench project.
I hope this makes the process more clear...