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when i run example on raspberry pi touchscreen doesn't work

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi, please have a look to this article - does it help?

Best regards,


That hasn't worked. Anymore suggestions?


Cheers ~genericdude

Maybe you can share some more infos...

Are you using the offical Raspberry Pi 7" Display - or do you use a different display / touch device?

Have you connected a keyboard / mouse device?

What outputs do you get on the terminal when you start the example?

What is the result when you entered the following line?

cat /proc/bus/input/devices


i got touchscreen to work but logo just goes to top left corner? any help for that?
If the logo goes to top left corner it indicates that the touch driver returns ( 0, 0 ) as coordinates.

Can you print the coordinates that are returned from the touch driver on the terminal via printf()?

Btw: Answering the above questions would still help to give you further support... ;-)

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