it is very likely, that the code has been eliminated as explained in the chapters Generating code and Generator attribute. Embedded Wizard evaluates all dependencies between project members and excludes all unused members from the code generation. Since Embedded Wizard has no knowledge which of the members are eventually addressed from the native C code itself, these members are also eliminated. In such case you have to inform Embedded Wizard, that the affected members are used from the outside of Embedded Wizard project and they should not be eliminated.
If you are missing the entire Device Class please verify this class' attribute Generator. If you are missing only some methods, properties, etc. from this class, then verify the Generator attribute of these members. You can set the attributes to the value true. This forces an unconditional code generation. If you initialize the attributes with the name of a profile, then the members are forced for the code generation only when this profile is selected. Maybe, this is your case?
Hope it helps you further.
Best regards
Paul Banach