Good day,
I have a simple touch handler on top of a slide handler. The simple touch handler has the following retarget specifications:
.RetargetCondition = Core::RetargetReason[WipeDown, WipeLeft, WipeRight, WipeUp]
.RetargetOffset = 10
.RetargetDelay = 1
In the prototyper
* A slide motion riases the slide event within the slide handler
* A press action raised the pressed event within the simple touch handler
But as soon as I take this to the hardware, the slide motion (even a fast motion) always raises the pressed event first and then the slide event.
Our hardware is healthy, and servises the EW application timeously.
Is this a bug in EW? Is it just the reality of things working out on paper but the real world has extra considerations that I need to know about?
I have 2 videos, as well as the EW project if you like, but I will need an email address or something to send it to,
Kind Regards,