in Embedded Wizard Studio by

I am using an externBitmap in a raspberry pi project. The project compiles and runs. When I am viewing the project in the Embedded Wizard program and looking at my application interface, I get this error:

Call to an unknown method 'EwLoadExternBitmap()'

This error is referring to this line of code in the externBitmap Masiac framework:

$if $prototyper
  bitmap = EwLoadExternBitmap( pure Name );

This seems pretty obvious what is going on. The prototyper doesn't know about the function. This makes it nearly impossible to modify my GUI without first removing the externBitmap because Embedded wizard doesnt load the GUI due to this error.

The question is, where/how do I create a function for the prototyper?

1 Answer

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please have a look to the documentation about ExternBitmap, especially the section about Extern Bitmap and Prototyping.

In order to provide your extern bitmap loader into the Protoyper, it is necessary to create your own Intrinsics module. Unfortunately, the documentation about that is currently not finished.

Nevertheless, within your Embedded Wizard installation, you will find the example ExternBitmap, that also contains a small project that provides a sample implementation of the EwLoadExternBitmap() functionality for the Prototyper. Maybe this helps...

Best regards,


Thanks again Manfred, I looked at the example, I just happened to copy them to my project folder incorrectly. I copy and pasted them in the exact way they were presented in the example and it ended up working for me.

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