in System Integration by
I am having issue with the Embedded Wizard default examples going directly to a hard fault upon startup in IAR debug.  This happened with both the "HelloWorld" and "PaperCutter" examples.  The project builds and loads into debugger, but fails first step in Reset_Handler. Similar failure if I program flash directly via CMSIS-DAP.  

I found this error info in the terminal output:

Initialize Display...                        [OK]
Initialize Touch Driver...                   [OK]
Initialize Memory Manager...                 [OK]
MemoryPool at address 0x8107F800 size 0x00F80800
Initialize Graphics Engine...                [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Root Object...        [FATAL ERROR in ewextbmp_RGB565_RGB              A8888.c:208] The rotation of the bitmap resource
'CutterPaperStripe' doesn't correspond to the configuration the Graphics Engine has been built for. Please verify whether the
attribute 'ScreenOrientation' in your Embedded Wizard project does correctly conform the value of the define 'EW_SURFACE_ROTATION'
used during the build process (e.g. within your MAKE file, etc.). You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.

Where EW_SURFACE_ROTATION is Normal and CutterPaperStripe = <1090,460,1290,500>

Any ideas?

1 Answer

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it seems that the orientation of the library you are using does not match with the orientation of the generated resources.

Within Embedded Wizard Studio you can define the orientation of the UI application by using the attribute ScreenOrientation - please have a look into the example 'ScreenOrientation', which is prepared to show an UI application with all four orientations: 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees.

Depending on the choosen orientation, you have to select the appropriate library (example for STM32F7):

  • 0 degrees: libewgfx-m7-iar.a
  • 90 degress: libewgfx-m7-r90-iar.a
  • 180 degress: libewgfx-m7-r180-iar.a
  • 270 degress: libewgfx-m7-r270-iar.a

Within our provided Build Envrionment, the selection is done automatically. If you have created your project manually, you have to choose the suitable library. If there is some missmatch, you get the mentioned error message during runtime.

Best regards,



Thanks Manfred,

I found the problem. Previously when trying to resolve some library issues when linking, I added both the 0 degree and 90 degree libraries, plus the 90 degree was first.  I removed the 90 degree library and it starts up correctly now.

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