in Embedded Wizard Studio by

Hello, I am a newbie.

My develop platform:
Windows 10 enterprise 10.0.17134.112
Embedded-Wizard free: 9.0
AMR Compile:          MDK V5.25
MCU Hardware:         STM32F767IGT6

Gentrated XML file ewfiles.gpdsc for MDK is ASCII format, not UTF-8, so mannually convert is nededed.

I didn't find settings for gpdsc format.

Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Linyu,

ewfiles.gpdsc is generated by a simple cmd script. Normally there are no UTF-8 characters.
Could you please describe the problem a little bit more detailed?

Best Regards,
My develop platform:
Windows 10 enterprise 10.0.17134.112
Embedded-Wizard free: 9.0
AMR Compile:          MDK V5.25
MCU Hardware:         STM32F767IGT6
Language:            Chinese Simplified

1. Open "HelloWorld" example.
2. Set OutputDirectory to ..\..\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd
3. Build --> Build this profile
4. Open  .\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\Project.uvprojx file with Keil uVision5
5. Keil uVision5 output:

Error loading file 'D:\ARM\STM32F767\Application\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc'
Fatal Error parsing node '#document' :invalid byte '?' at position 2 of a 2-byte sequence
Error loading file 'D:\ARM\STM32F767\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\..\..\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc'
Fatal Error parsing node '#document' :invalid byte '?' at position 2 of a 2-byte sequence
Error instantiating RTE components
Error #546: Required gpdsc file 'D:\ARM\STM32F767\Application\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc' is not loaded, errors by load
Error #546: Required gpdsc file 'D:\ARM\STM32F767\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\..\..\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc' is not loaded, errors by load

6. Change ewfiles.gpdsc file from ASCII to UFT-8, it is OK.

My OS environment is Chinese Simplified, I open cmd, "chcp" command out is
936, 936 is GB2312 encoding.

活动代码页: 936

C:\Users\ly>echo String is still UFT-8 > out.txt


Even if in GB2312 encoding, the output file "out.txt" is still in UTF-8 encoding.

ewfiles.gpdsc is generated by MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd script. I add "chcp 65001" to
"MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd" file

@echo off
chcp 65001
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

set out_file=%EmWi_OutputDirectory%\ewfiles.gpdsc

if not exist %EmWi_OutputDirectory%\..\..\PlatformPackage\%EmWi_ColorFormat% (
echo "ERROR: The requested color format %EmWi_ColorFormat% is not supported for this platform!"

But not work, ewfiles.gpdsc is still ASCII encoding
Thank you very much for your detailed report.

Could you please provide us the original and the modified gpdsc file?
(Using the Link button above, files can be uploaded)
Ok, the root cause is, that in your environment the current date and time is witten to the gpdsc file in chinese format.

We will find some solution for the next release.

Meanwhile you can simply delete '%cur_date% %cur_time%' in line 64 of MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd.

It generated just a kind of comment and has no influence to the µVision project update.

Thank you for reporting this issue.

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