in Platform Packages by


I am trying integrate the GUI output by Embedded Wizard Studio into an IAR project. The hardware I am using is IMXRT1050-EVKB.

Following the instructions under Platform Integration > Getting started with i.MX RT1050, I opened an example project in the IDE and set the PostProcess field under Profile to '..\..\Application\Project\EWARM\EWARM_ew_post_process.cmd' to generate the file that controls import to IAR. 

This however results in the error: 

Looking at the .cmd file, it seems like it cannot find the folder containing the selected color format. That should not be the case as I have not modified the color format set in the original project - NXP.iMX_RT.RGB565 - and I can manually see that the folder for this format exists.

This error however goes away if I place the main folder containing all the examples and other necessary stuff - IMXRT1050-EVK - in the root directory C:\.

It seems the .cmd file expects the project folder path as an argument when it is called. What value does the IDE normally output as this argument. And, is there a way to change this value?


1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi cor_rs,

this problem occurs, if the path to the IMXRT1050-EVK build environment contains spaces.
We will fix this in the next release.

Best Regards,
Thanks, Martin. At least now I know what the problem was.

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