I want to know how to update STRING on OSD by Chora code, I made a simple project as attached(http://ask.embedded-wizard.de/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=8195206956717990746).
Please open this project : Project > E_Plus > Application > Decoder_Slot.
I expected result as follows.
A. Press F5 key for Prototype in "Application"
B. Press '1' key for drawing OSD menu.
C. Press '1' key again for update STRING of OSD menu. (Add '2' char at last for each item)
For example: PICTURE -> PICTURE2
xxx -> xxx2
I can saw "trace" information on step C, but can't saw any OSD update.
So I have two question as follows.
1. In this case, I hope OSD update on Prototype, could you provide your idea for this?
2. If this isn't good idea for two layer OSD design in same page, please give us your suggestion.
Thank you.