in GUI Development by
I have to activate/deactivate some of my touch handlers.

Deactivation does only work, if I set the property OnXYZ to null. Setting the property Enabled to false is not sufficient.

1 Answer

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setting the propertty Enabled to false is sufficient. We use this approach very often and it works as expected. 

However, if the affected touch handler is actually involved in a user interaction (the user is touching the handler's area), the handler will continue receiving the events until the user finalizes the interaction - even if you disable the handler after the user has touched it. Please see the explanation in the section Disable a Simple Touch Handler.

If this is the problem in your application, I would suggest to add following code at the begin of the affected OnXYZ slot methods:

if ( !Touch_Handler.Enabled )

Best regards

Paul Banach


now I have a similiar probelm when activating an SimpleTouchHandler. There are 4 Touch Handler on the same page, which are treated identical. 3 of these 4 handlers work as expected. The fourth handler works only, if I close the page and open it again.

The effect can only be seen on the real hardware, in the prototyper is is not.

I added the Enabled=true and the Setting of the OnSet handler at several places, but never the touch works on the first opening of the page.
Ok, this was my error:

I have several pages, which I used to show making them visible, setting the attribute Visible true/false.

Obviously this is not sufficient. It seems, that there are some invisible objects in the forground, which block the touch handler of a visible made page. Though, it's not really clear, why this behaviour is different, when I make the page visible for the second time.

If I call RestackTop() after making the page visible, all touch handlers work as expected, also for the first call of the page.


maybe this section Simple Touch Handler and invisible components answers your question.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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