Make clean didn't solve the issue.
So I'm choosing 'Compressed' again. Additionally I tried to move some object files from the internal flash to the external flash in the linker file:
.SectionEwResource :
. = ALIGN(4);
*Application.o (.text .text*)
*Hauptfenster.o (.text .text*)
*Views.o (.text .text*)
*Slider.o (.text .text*)
*Fussleiste.o (.text .text*)
*Supervisor.o (.text .text*)
*Core.o (.text .text*)
*Kopfleiste.o (.text .text*)
. = ALIGN(4);
This works for some of the object files, but not for all. When I'm moving too much to the external flash ther is an other issue, when starting the program in the debugger:
warning: while parsing target memory map (at line 1): Can't convert length="0xzx" to an integer
#0 0x08001558 in WWDG_IRQHandler ()
#1 <signal handler called>
#2 EwUnlockSurface (aSurface=0x0, aLock=0xaa6a) at ../../../PlatformPackage/RGBA8888/ewgfxcore.c:1150
#3 0x00000000 in ?? ()
Line 1150 is the call to EwGfxUnlockNativeSurface().
#ifdef EwGfxLockNativeSurface
if ( aSurface->Format == EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_NATIVE )
EwGfxUnlockNativeSurface( aSurface->Handle, aLock->Handle, aLock->X,
aLock->Y, aLock->Width, aLock->Height, 0, 0,
aLock->Mode & EW_LOCK_PIXEL_WRITE, 0 );
Also I have in mind, that when moving objects to QSPI flash the MPU config for the external QSPI does not work any more.
Maybe there's a basic problem with the QSPI?