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I develop on the STM32L4R9 with a round display. On the STM32L4R9 is a 1.2 inch display with 390x390 resolution. I have adapted a 1.6 inch display with a resolution of 400x400.

By adjusting the display driver, the resolution from 390 to 400 and Embedded Wizard I get an image. Unfortunately, the display is not completely filled out. 

If I turn on this function",#define VIRTUAL_BUFFER_WIDTH (3072 / BSP_LCD_BYTE_PER_PIXEL)", this error will never get better. What do I have to set to fill the entire display?

Enclosed a picture:


Thank you.

Best Regards

2 Answers

0 votes


in your Embedded Wizard project have you configured the right screen resolution 400x400 piyxel in the Profile attribute ScreenSize? Also have you adapted the size of the GUI  components and the of the application component for the new screen size?

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hello Paul Banach,

yes I have configured it. I think that should be any setting from µVison to increase any framebuffer or something else. If you see the picture you can recognise that the boarder is removed and show white pixels. There is anywere a software part which removes the pixel of the edges, but where is this software part?


Best Regards,


0 votes


On STM32L4R9 a so-called GFXMMU is used to save framebuffer memory.
A display specific LUT is used to map a virtual framebuffer to the physical framebuffer memory.

To use another display, you have to modify stm32l4r9i_discovery_gfxmmu_lut.h 
according to your display and probably also to increase the physical framebuffer
memory in \TargetSpecific\ew_bsp_display.c.

For more information please have a look to the application note 'AN5051' of STM.

Best Regards,

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