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How can I make a list that tells me what are the states of the widgets (toggle button and horizontal bar value) presented in other screen of my GUI?


Thanks in advance,


1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello Lucas,

first of all, let me refer to the documentation of the vertical list. There you will find all details about managing scrollable content within a list. The refresh of a list can be achieved by calling InvalidateItems() - please see the section 'force the list to reload items'.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


Hello Manfred,

Thanks for your answer.

I've seen it, but how can I check the state of my widget (on/off or value) and show it on the list?

Best regards,


Hello Lucas,

the slot method OnLoadItem() of your vertical list is responsible to fill the content of your list - this means, every list item is configured via this method.

Here you can access your widgets in order to get their values, e.g. you can read the Checked property of a ToggleSwitch or the CurrentValue property of a Slider.

Is this what you are looking for? Otherwise, maybe you can explain your use-case more detailed...


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