in System Integration by
I am developing on the STM32F469i  Discovery Board for a design that will have no DRAM.
I need to write to the display using minimal SRAM or, better yet, write directly to the display controller. Is it possible to write bytes directly to the LCD controller board or to define a small "scratch-pad" SRAM area and sequentially write sections of the display without losing previously written segments?
I have tried this using info I found on your site (Platform Integration: Framebuffer Concepts), but without success.
Is there an example project that shows how this might be accomplished?

1 Answer

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the Build Environment for the STM32F469 Discovery board is prepared to use a fullscreen framebuffer (with or without double buffering) and a DSI display.

In case you want to update an display with its own graphics memory by using a small scratch-pad buffer, you should use a different Build Environment as starting point: Please have a look to the Build Environment for the STM32F407 Discovery board - there you will find everything prepared to make display updates by using the scratch-pad buffer.

Best regards,


OK, thanks.

I will take a look at the STM32F407 code.

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