in System Integration by
Hi nice to meet you. (stm32f429I)

I have a problem..

In embedded wizard studio free, i finished build the project.

And then, make compile on the "StartGccBuildEnvironment"

Execute Keil uVision5, i see a error message.

Error instantiating RTE components
Error #545: Required gpdsc file 'C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc' is missing
Error #545: Required gpdsc file 'C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\..\..\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc' is missing

it is not exist to C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc

Can you help me? I don't know that

1 Answer

0 votes


Just a short question: Did you add the PostProcess command into the profile as mentioned here?

"Select the profile and set MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd as post process at the Inspector view."

Please generate your sources (i.e. build your profile) from the Embedded Wizard Studio again, in order to invoke the post process command accordingly. Then the gpdsc file will be generated and can be used within Keil MDK. Does that help?

Best regards,


I add "PostProcess" - MDK-ARM_ew_post_process  in Embedded Wizard Studio.

And then, build  in Embedded Wizard Studio.

Execute Keil uVision5.

But i also have a probelm

Error loading file 'C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\..\..\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc'
Fatal Error parsing node '#document' :invalid byte '?' at position 1 of a 1-byte sequence
Error instantiating RTE components
Error #546: Required gpdsc file 'C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\..\..\GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc' is not loaded, errors by load

i'm not find GeneratedCode\ewfiles.gpdsc' in C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\..\..\
Hi shcho,

do you get some error message during building the Embedded Wizard Project?

If not, ewfiles.gpdsc should exist below C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\GeneratedCode.

Could you please send us your ewfiles.gpdsc? Please use the button with the chain symbol and than "Upload" for that.

Kind Regards,

hi Martin.

Thank you for your reply.

1. I'm not get some error message druing building the Embedded Wizerd Project.

2. The file(ewfiles.gpdsc) exist in C:\STM\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\GeneratedCode.

3. I upload the file.https://ask.embedded-wizard.de/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=18421664474375286952

4. where is chain symbol??? 

Hi shcho,

we have an issue with the post process using chinese Windows version for example.
The time stamp is not inserted correctly in such case.

Please remove the line "- Generated: 2018-10-01 ..." from  ewfiles.gpdsc and try to rebuild the Keil project.
We will fix this issue in the next release.

Kind Regards,
HI Martin

Thank you for your reply.

I resloved that. thankyou

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