in Getting started by


I have downloaded your software and am trying to get it to run with Keil MDK.

I followed the instructions at:


I successfully installed:

C:\Embedded Wizard Studio\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\Tara.Embedded_Wizard_Launcher.0.6.0

I see it listed in the pack installer:

I added the post process cmd file:

C:\Embedded Wizard Studio\STM32F429-Discovery\Application\Project\MDK-ARM\MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd

I am working with the 'Hello World' example. When I press 'F8' I see the 'Build' dialog. 

The "Getting started with STM: STM32F429 Discovery" page says the following:

"After the Embedded Wizard code generation the installed post process will generate a ewfiles.gpdsc file, that controls the Keil MDK-ARM project import."

Keil does not start. When I launch Keil directly there is no mention of the 'Hello World' project.

I do not see the mentioned "ewfiles.gpdsc" on my PC. 

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your help,


1 Answer

0 votes
Hi ED,

Keil MDK does not start automatically. You have to open the Keil project below '\Application\Project\MDK-ARM'.

ewfiles.gpdsc can be found below '\Application\GeneratedCode' after the Embedded Wizard project was built successfully.

After that, please return to Keil MDK an rebuild the project.


Kind Regards,

Thank you for your help.

I managed to get it running.

I'm not sure why it would matter, but the problem was caused by spaces in the path:

C:\Embedded Wizard Studio\STM32F429-Discovery\...

I changed the path to:


and the file was generated and I was able to open the project in Keil MDK.

Thank you again,


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