in Getting started by
Hello everyone,

I have a project with chip STM32F407 (100 pin) and LCD TFTM043 (480x272) - custom board.

How can I start with Embedded Wizard for this project.

I use Keil MDK to code currently.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Le Nhat Thanh

1 Answer

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the TFTM043 module is a 4,3" TFT LCD module with a SSD1963 controller.

The display driver for SSD1963 is already prepared within our STM32F407 Build Environment - so you need to activate this driver within the file /TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_display.c and include the driver from /TargetSpcific/Drivers into you project.

Please see the section Working with your own display in our article Getting Started with STM32F407-Discovery.

Of course, the hardware connection between MCU and display has to correspond to the layout described within the driver source code.

Best regards,




I'm a newbie with STM32 and TFTLCD.
Do you mind if I contact with you via email or social network when I have problem?

My email: lenhatthanh20@gmail.com

Best regards,

Le Nhat Thanh

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