in GUI Development by

Hi Team,

 We are working on Rx65n controller dev board. We have developed a UI with slide touch handler and Vertical list to display the data. When slided on the prototype the Slide handler works as expected and the next item in the vertical list is displayed correctly. but when the same code is ported on Rx65n the slide dosent work as expected. there is an empty space shown at the first and end of the list and when slided the list item is dis[played as half croped as shown in the image below. This issue is seen only on the actual target.




Chaitra S G

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Chaitra,

without having the target and without seeing the code it is difficult to detect the root cause for the problem you have described.

If your application is running fine on PC within the Prototyper but not on the target, I assume the target integration is not perfect.

Please check the following:

Please make sure, that the main loop is implemented according our recommendation and that there are no RTE calls missing.

Please make sure that the touch events are inserted with the same coordinate system as the display has and that the touch event cycles are complete.

Best regards 



Hi Manfred,

Thanks for your reply,

The slide is working fine now.

In our implementation the touch coordinates from driver is stored in an intemidiate layer and this coordinates is read perodically for every 30 millisecs and fed to Embedded wizard.

We are facing other issues related to slide. Some times even if we slide there is no change in the screen.

after sliding multiple times the screen data changes.


Chaitra S G

Hi Chaitra,

maybe it is better if you do not feed every 30 ms the touch coordinates to the GUI (is it a separate thread?) - maybe is better when you query the current touch position from the main loop. Does this improve the bahaviour?

As written in my first answer, please take care that every touch cycle is always completed!

Btw: Can you ensure that the touch driver is really providing data in cases there are missing touch events?

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

Thanks for the reply.

now there is improvement in the behavior when we read the touch position from the main loop.

i have a querry, how to ensure that the touch cycle is complete?



Chaitra S G

The following code snippet is taken from our typical main loops that are provided within the different Build Environments:

  /* receive touch inputs and provide the application with them */
  if ( EwBspGetTouchPosition( &touchPos ))
    /* begin of touch cycle */
    if ( touched == 0 )
      CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( RootObject, 1, 0, touchPos );

    /* movement during touch cycle */
    else if ( touched == 1 )
      CoreRoot__DriveCursorMovement( RootObject, touchPos );

    touched = 1;
    events  = 1;
  /* end of touch cycle */
  else if ( touched == 1 )
    CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( RootObject, 0, 0, touchPos );
    touched = 0;
    events  = 1;

This ensures that at the end of a sequence of touch events the touch cycle is completed.

Best regards,


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