in GUI Development by


I'm trying to modiify the "Paper Cutter" example,  my objective is to make it have a similar structure but different features.

My first obstacle is that I can't make the Bar Graph in "Speed Dialog" present a 1 to 10 scale, it get stuck on 600 as a minumum value on the number text and also the bar graph animation doesn't follow it. 

I have changed the minimum and max value and also changed 'onIncrement' and 'onDecrement' slots to 

if ( PaperSpeed != null )
  PaperSpeed^ = (PaperSpeed^) + 1;


 if ( PaperSpeed != null )
  PaperSpeed^ = (PaperSpeed^) - 1;


Can you help me please?

Thank you,


1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Lucas,

the component 'SpeedDialog' contains a property reference that refers to the value that is shown by this dialog: This property reference with the name 'PaperSpeed', is connected to the property 'PaperSpeed' that you will find in the Device Class 'Cutter::DeviceClass'. Within the onget method of the 'PaperSpeed' property you will find the code that limits the current paper speed in the range from 600 to 3600.

Best regards,




Hi Manfred, It worked.
Thank you so much.

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