Hello Manfred,
Thank you for your answer, but I couldn't figure it out.
I'm going to change my approach, I think it will be a better way to do it.
When I press Start, it calls the property Running, in Device Class, and in its OnSet Method:
if ( value == pure Running )
pure Running = value;
notifyobservers ^Running;
if ( value )
$if !$prototyper
DeviceDriver_StartTest(^TypeW, ^DepthW, ^SagsW, ^TestsW);
TestsRemaining = pure TestsW;
Timer.Enabled = true;
Timer.Enabled = false;
$if !$prototyper
DeviceDriver_StopTest(^TypeW, ^DepthW, ^SagsW, ^TestsW);
So, it counts the Tests Remaining, and I want to call my Native code with it. On DeviceDrive_StartTest I write my if/else case, based on the value of the properties TypeW, DepthW, SagsW and TestsW (present on Device Class).
How is the proper way to declare those properties names here: DeviceDriver_StartTest( ? ) ??
I've tried ^TypeW, Device.TypeW, ^Device.TypeW, VSG::Device.TypeW....
All of them gave me errors back when building.