in System Integration by
Hi All.

 I'm trying to adapt the LPCexpresso54628 with its LCD using the FT5336GQQ to use a different display with the FT5426 captouch IC.


I have it wired up and communicating. Touch events are sent via I2C. However, the coordinates are off. As its currently running on the fsl_ft5406.c BSP. Which, I assume, needs to be tweaked. Anyone have some guidance for me?



1 Answer

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Hi Mike,


Embedded Wizard just requires two functions for running the touch interface, an initialization function/sequence and a function to get the touch coordinates.

If the manufacturer of the FT5426  chip doesn't offer any example code / BSP the easiest way would be to adapt the ft5406.c BSP function.

This chip also uses i2c, therefore the communication infrastructure is already present and you just have to adapt the timings.

Kind regard



Just circled back on this and figured it out. The Rocktech on NXP kits uses the FT5336GQQ (oddly with a NXP FT5406 driver) and the NewHaven the FT5426. So you would think the FT5426 display would work better with the FT5406 driver than the bloody FT5336. But nope. X and Y are backwards. Which doesnt seem to be the case, as left touch does move you left sometimes.

One just needs to change them in the EW touch BSP:

int EwBspGetTouchPosition( XPoint* aPos )


     // default code
     // aPos->X = cursorPosX;
     // aPos->Y = cursorPosY;

      // mls
      aPos->X = cursorPosY;
      aPos->Y = cursorPosX;



FocalTech is pretty shy with documentation on these chips.

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