in Getting started by
Should I be using the RT1060 Build Environment package or RT1064 ?

I should add, I'm tryin to get EW's hello_world working on Embedded Artists' RT1062 devel board. It flashes, but I'm getting nothing on the LCD.

1 Answer

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in principle you can use the Build Enviornment for the MIMXRT1060-EVK which uses the same iMX RT 1062 processor as your hardware. So far we have not done any porting to the Embedded Artists RT1062 board - so I can only refer to our general hints for custom specific hardware adaptations.

Best regards,


Figured it out. Had to turn Optimization off to -O0. Once I did that a build/flash worked. Oddly, with Optimization back to -O2 it is still working!

Might want to add a footnote to the Getting Started Guide. Or find the root cause.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Great that it is working now - nevertheless, this sounds strange... After a clean build (make clean) the result should be reproducieble. Btw: Which toolchain are you using?
This Optimzation quirk was with both uVision and MCUexpresso. So there must be something off in the MCUexpressoSDK tree...??? Embedded Artists' RT1062 board uses external SPI flash with a different driver you plop on top of an existing .c driver file. Perhaps that had something to do with it. They make a really nice SoM board and eval kit. So hopefully this thread saves someone a headache down the road.

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