in GUI Development by
I have added the text box at the bottom of page. All I want is to sow the page on in that text field.

1 Answer

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Your question is unclear for me. Can you describe more exactly what you want to achieve?

Best regards

Paul Banach
I have 5 to 10 pages which are navigate based on user click navigation button next and previous. Base on navigation button click I want to show the page number at the bottom of screen. for example (1/5) . (2/5) .. .


please add a Text view to your Gui component and arange it in the bottom of the screen. When the user navigates modify the property String of the Text view accordingly:

Text.String = string( currentPage ) + "/" + string( totalPages );

The values currentPage and totalPages stand for expressions, variables, etc. where the corresponding value is stored.

Does it help you further?

Best regards

Paul Banach



It help but I am not able to increase or decrease page no. I have one landing page where I have added text field at bottom and name it as pageNoText. and in the string properties of field I have added string(pageNo) where pageNo is variable which hold default page value. And instead of user navigation click I am changing pages in center if landing screen using slide animation left and right based on timer. for changing screen I am using switchToDialog method. I can see default value in the pageNoText field but unable to change it based on screen changes. see the below image for pageNoText field.



the value specified in Inspector is the initialization value for the property. The property is thus initialized just in the moment when the GUI component is created. Once initialized the property does not change anymore. If you want the property to change dynamically at the runtime, implement the corresponding code in a method, which is executed when the user navigates between the pages.

Best regards

Paul Banach


I tried the same but as my pages are not navigating on user based interaction. I have added timer and slot after every 4sec I am calling one method change page. I have created one variable with name pageNO and  after every 4sec I am calling changePage(pageNo +1) so now I am able to navigate the pages using animation and also when I add trace pageNo in code I can see the pageNo value is getting change. Now only thing is remeaining is to bind that pangNo value to some text field. below is code for reference.  As shown in code I want to bind pageNo value to some text field. 

Hello Paul,

It works now made some few ticks and able to see page number changing based on page changes.

Thanks for quick response, Help me a lot.
You are welcome!

Best regards

Paul Banach

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